Lakeland RSC – Treads for Life Join our Lakeland Regional Safety Committee for a ride or walk at the annual ‘Treads for Life’ community event on Saturday June 17th at 10am. The motorcycle run is a 340km ride, starting at Lethal Motorsports, with a dice game at checkpoints along the
Articles from June 2017
Safety BBQ in rebuild zone of Fort McMurray
ACSA and Wood Buffalo RSC partnered with Alberta OHS and ATCO up in Fort McMurray on May 25th for an annual Safety BBQ held at the Eagle Ridge Rebuild Area. All hands were on deck, flipping burgers and talking safety! Over 150 construction workers attended the event to learn more
CFCSA: Connected Newsletter out now!
The Canadian Federation of Construction Safety Association’s (CFCSA) continues to set the bar when it comes to safety standards in Canada’s construction industry. Read about the latest initiatives and advancements happening in provinces and territories across the country in construction safety. Read the latest edition here.
Construction Safety Associations across Canada sign national agreement for NCSO
The heads of Canada’s provincial and territorial construction safety associations signed a national agreement to meet the new National Construction Safety Officer (NCSO™) standard at this year’s annual meeting for the Canadian Federation of Construction Safety Associations (CFCSA). The delegation met in Calgary over three days to discuss key issues
Coming Soon – Updates to the course requirements for the HSA Designation
To maintain the alignment between the course requirements for the NCSO and HSA designations, changes will be made to the compulsory and elective course options for the Health and Safety Administrator (HSA) as of July 1st 2017. The changes will reflect those brought about with the new Active NCSO standard,
Third party training – Don’t be misinformed or misled
Due to recent activity surrounding false claims of ACSA endorsed third party trainers, we felt it very important to communicate the parameters around which we operate when it comes to working with third party training companies. Firstly, the ACSA does not endorse any third party training. We may accept other
Important Changes to the Consultant Auditor Application Process
In an effort to continually enhance our programs and processes, applications for Consultant Auditor Program were paused to allow time to explore improvements through a period of review. During the review process, our first step was to meet with our member companies so that we could gather feedback on their