Free Flu Shots for Albertans

On Monday, October 23, Alberta’s annual free influenza immunization program commenced. All Albertans 6-months and older can get their flu shots at Alberta Health Services (AHS) clinics, pharmacies, and physicians’ clinics across the province. AHS reports that over 1600 people were hospitalized with the flu and 64 died from the

WHMIS & Worker Allergies

A recent fatality on an Edmonton construction site, suspected to be due to anaphylactic shock, stresses the importance of ongoing hazard assessments and WHMIS. Allergies are common and should be considered in assessing hazards when using any product for work. Also keep in mind that many substances are hazardous, even if they do not have a

Your Assistance, Please

We are assisting an industry partner who is conducting a survey focused on better understanding the education, knowledge, and training requirements for OHS positions within our members’ various organizations. We are hoping to gain your assistance and participation. Please take a few minutes to assist us in better understanding your needs with

NEW: ACSA Daily Logbook

Now available for purchase: the ACSA Daily Logbook! These custom-made logbooks will help safety leaders maintain a log of their activities and incidents. Some of the excellent features you will enjoy: Perfect-bind numbered pages Weather conditions log Safety Checklist: Hazard Assessment, Inspection, & Toolbox Talk Activity list: Incident, Near Miss, Investigation,