Since our inception in 1988, the Alberta Construction Safety Association (ACSA) has built a solid reputation for leading safety training in Alberta and throughout Canada. We have grown from a membership of 14,000 companies to more than 54,000. Over the past 35 years, the number of lost-time claims (work injuries
Articles from November 2023
Backgrounder: 2023 ACSA Conference

Backgrounder November 20, 2023 Alberta Construction Safety Association {ACSA) hosts a two-day provincial conference with Canadian industry experts to discuss pressing mental health concerns and well-being in the workplace. Who is the ACSA? The Alberta Construction Safety Association (ACSA) is a uniquely member-centric, industry funded organization and the largest certifying
News Release: ACSA 2023 Conference

Media Availability For Immediate Release Alberta Construction Safety Association (ACSA) hosts a sold-out conference with leading Canadian safety experts to discuss pressing mental health concerns and well-being in the workplace. Topics include addictions and psychological and physical health. (November 22, 2023- Calgary-AB-) Media are invited to a provincial conference hosted
News release: Alberta Construction Safety Association (ACSA) hosts a two-day provincial conference with Canadian industry experts to discuss pressing mental health concerns and well-being in the workplace.

Calgary, AB, November 22, 2023 – Leading Canadian safety experts converge in downtown Calgary to discuss remedies and support for psychosocial issues such as mental health and addictions to create healthier work environments. The theme for the Conference, ‘Healthy Minds, Safe Workplaces – Constructing a Safety Culture,’ sets the tone