We value our partnerships with affiliated associations and organizations, who work hard to create a safer workplace for everyone. Below is a list of key partners we collaborate with to initiate and continue key projects and campaigns.
The ACSA is proud to partner with:
Jobs Safety Skills Society
Partners in Road Construction Safety
Threads of Life
University of Alberta
Women Building Futures
BUILDEX Alberta is a driving force behind today’s building industry and a vision of its future; they bring together professionals from across industry to interact, learn and discover the newest innovations from a market in constant transformation. The annual BUILDEX conferences across Canada are some of the largest in the country, spanning multiple sectors and industries.
The ACSA is a proud sponsor of the 2023 BUILDEX Alberta conference, which allows industry professionals across the province the opportunity to come together, celebrate, and share knowledge with their peers.
Apprenticeship and Industry Training
AIT plays a leadership role in developing Alberta’s highly skilled and trained workforce. The Board advises the Minister of Innovation and Advanced Education about the needs of the Alberta labour market for skilled and trained persons, and training and certification in trades and occupations.
The ACSA is proud to sponsor the AIT Awards recognizing excellence in Alberta’s industry. Every year, the Apprenticeship and Industry Training Board celebrates the best of the best of Alberta’s apprentices and employers.
Alberta Roadbuilders & Heavy Construction Association
The ARHCA represents contractors who work on the construction and rehabilitation of highways, municipal roads, bridges, sewer, and water projects, as well as the suppliers and consulting engineers who work with them. The ARHCA supports stable long-term investment in our transportation infrastructure and believes that a strong transportation system is essential to Canada’s future, providing a cost-effective method of moving goods and services to local and world markets, and giving Canadians a safe and efficient way to travel.
The ACSA is partnered with ARHCA in the development of RSTS (Roadbuilders Safety Training System) online courses and the Alberta Temporary Traffic Control classroom courses. We are also partners in the ‘Vow to Slow Down’ campaign encouraging Alberta drivers to slow down through road construction zones. Together we’re making the construction of our roads safer for our roadbuilders.
BILD Alberta
Building Industry and Land Development Alberta Association (BILD Alberta) represents the amalgamation of the Canadian Home Builders’ Association – Alberta and the Urban Development Institute Alberta. BILD Alberta is the unified voice for the land development, home building and renovation industry, representing over 1,900 business members.
The ACSA is partnered with BILD Alberta in the development and delivery of Building to SECOR workshops and CSTS. Together we’re raising the bar on safety and cultivating our home builders and land developers to that standard.”
Canadian Federation of Construction Safety Associations
The CFCSA works as an umbrella organization for provincial and territorial construction safety associations with a shared interest in promoting awareness of construction health and safety, improving information sharing, and producing workplace health and safety training resources.
The CFCSA was instrumental in the establishment of the Certificate of Recognition (COR). During the annual meeting of the CFCSA in 1999, members agreed in principle to a number of common audit elements required for a construction firm to achieve or maintain an acceptable level of health and safety performance. Included in the agreement between members was the minimum national standards for the COR audit program and the training requirements necessary to meet the Construction Safety Officer (CSO, now NCSO) designation. The next meeting in 2000, formalized the agreement.
In June 2005, the meeting unveiled a new National Audit Instrument to achieve COR (13 common elements with one provincial supplement for those jurisdictions wishing to include). At the June 2010 CFCSA Annual Meeting, all members signed a COR™ Memorandum of Understanding solidifying the original 2000 agreement.
The ACSA is a core member of the CFCSA and will be hosting the next annual meeting in Calgary, Alberta from May 31 – June 2, 2017. For further details visit
Read the CFCSA: Connected Newsletter for the latest information on what’s happening in construction safety across Canada
CAREERS: The Next Generation
CAREERS: The Next Generation is a non-profit organization raising youth awareness of career options and helping students earn while they learn through internship. They partner with government, educators, communities, industry, parents and students to introduce youth to rewarding careers and develop the skilled workers of the future.
The ACSA is partnered with CAREERS in the Safe Under 18 campaign. Together we’re teaching our youth on how to be safe and ensuring a brighter future.
Coalition for a Safer 63/881
As the busiest routes in and out of the oil sands, Highway 63 and Highway 881 have seen hundreds of vehicle-related injuries and dozens of fatalities in recent years. The Coalition aims to help drivers identify their dangerous driving habits and offer them safe alternatives. Our members range from industry groups and regional municipalities to safety organizations and the media.
The ACSA is proud to be a part of the Coalition. Together we all share one important goal – to make Highways 63 and 881 safer for our families, friends, employees and everyone else who travels them every day.
Jobs Safety Skills Society
The JSSS is a not-for-profit organization in partnership with educators, industry, government and the community at large. The JSSS is committed to facilitating the provision of education and training to youth that will significantly reduce fatalities, injuries and illness in the workplace.
The ACSA provides the JSSS with financial support so that the JSSS may continue to research, develop, upgrade and deliver an extensive school-based program of workplace health and safety-education and training resources named the JobSafe Program. And, according to WCB-AB statistics, Alberta is witnessing steady decline in the number of workplace injuries to young workers.
Partners in Road Construction Safety
PIRCS is a concerned group of public and private sector organizations whose goal is to reduce collisions in road construction zones and improve driver attitudes toward road and utility workers. Since 2003, PIRCS has spent more than $4 million to promote safe driving in road construction zones through advertising and promotion. In 2016, the PIRCS campaign moved on from the well-recognized wreath and theme, “Don’t RIP Through Construction Zones” to the positive reinforcement pledge campaign, ‘Vow to Slow Down’.
ACSA is proud to be a partner and help reduce traffic-related casualties for workers and motorists alike.
Threads of Life
The Association for Workplace Tragedy Family Support (known as Threads of Life) is a national registered Canadian charity dedicated to supporting families after a workplace fatality, life-altering injury, or occupational disease. Its network of family members and corporate partners believe traumatic workplace injuries, occupational diseases and deaths are preventable.
The ACSA is an annual sponsor of the Steps for Life walks in Alberta. Together, we strive for safer workplaces for Canadian families.
University of Alberta
The University of Alberta (U of A) and the Alberta Construction Safety Association (ACSA) have established a scholarship in honour of former ACSA Executive Director Gary Wagar. The goal of this partnership is to encourage and support students who wish to further their careers in the health and safety profession.
This annual $1000 scholarship is available to any individual who has attained the National Construction Safety Officer (NCSO) or Health and Safety Administrator (HSA) designation through the ACSA, and will allow the recipient to continue his or her professional development in the Occupational Health & Safety Certificate program at the U of A. The winner will also receive a complimentary registration to the NCSO Professional Development Conference.
For further information on the U of A Occupational Health & Safety Certificate program click on the link below.
Women Building Futures
Women Building Futures (WBF) is a social purpose organization and registered charity valued for empowering women to succeed in nontraditional careers; inspiring positive economic change for women and forever transforming the face of industry in Canada.
The foundation of WBF’s success is the commitment to find the right people to help them to succeed, which has positioned the organization as a place of success for women and a strategic workforce development partner of industry.
The ACSA and WBF share a commitment to bolster the number of women in construction and manufacturing; helping industry fill the skills vacuum as baby boomers retire. Together in partnership, we aim to attract and train new workers and ensure they have the knowledge, competency, skill and ability to meet or exceed industry standard for worker safety and productivity.