AgSafe Alberta Society Names First Exec Dir

Alberta’s newest safety association, AgSafe Alberta Society announced its first Executive Director in June. Jody Wacowich will help get the organization up and running at full steam. Jody has an extensive background in Alberta’s agricultural industry.  Prior to taking the position at AgSafe, she worked at the Agriculture Financial Services Corporation (AFSC). Additionally, she has a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Business and an MBA specializing in agriculture. Also, Jody has been involved with 4-H and the Calgary Stampede.

AgSafe Alberta Society was founded as a result of provincial legislation, which included much-needed WCB coverage for farm and ranch workers. According to its website, AgSafe’s goal “is to enable farm businesses to take the next step to establishing practical farm safety management programs that will help enhance the development of a ‘safety culture,’ where safety is a fully integrated part of the farm business.”

You can read more about Jody’s thoughts on safety in an interview published in the Edmonton Journal.

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