WCB Updates FYI

WCB has been introducing changes under new legislation over the course of 2018. The first round of changes came into effect on January 1, with a subsequent round of changes being implemented on April 1. WCB also engaged in a consultation process from early-January to early-March. WCB is now endeavouring

Ground Disturbance 201 Online Now $79.95

Your ACSA has reduced the price for its online Ground Disturbance Level 201 Alberta Common Ground Alliance (ABCGA) endorsed training course, from $94.50 to $79.95. Currently, you cannot access this course at a lower price. This course is available with a proctoring option. If you choose this option, the system will verify the identity of

New Courses – Contractor Management

Following the introduction of Silica Awareness, your ACSA is proud to introduce its latest course offering, Contractor Management, which is now open for registrations. Courses start in June. Contractor Management provides updated content and is broader in scope than the Prime Contractor course it is replacing. Where the Prime Contractor

Day of Mourning & Steps for Life

Day of Mourning services were hosted around the province by ACSA’s Regional Safety Committees on Friday, April 27 and Saturday, April 28. The commemorative events were well attended, some featuring local politicians, community leaders, and family members who had suffered a loss. The Parkland (Red Deer) RSC event included an