Features from the Fall Edition of Alberta Toolbox

coverDon’t forget to read our inaugural edition of your ACSA’s seasonal magazine – Alberta Toolbox.

Alberta Toolbox aims to inform and interest readers with articles about what’s important to you: articles about you.

It will be released three times a year and covers the latest advancements in safety technology, conversation with experts in the field, and give you information about initiatives and campaigns taking place across Alberta, so you can get involved. Along with a whole lot more!

Our Fall edition includes the following great feature articles:

Ahead of the Curve

Insight into the almost 30-year history of the ACSA, with commentary from one of the industry’s longest serving members, Herman Bruin.

Helping Hands

Hear from industry on their thoughts about the ongoing WCB Review by the provincial government.

Ready for Work

Hear how companies employing young people are benefiting and how you can get involved with Careers: The Next Generation and the Registered Apprenticeship Program to help young people enter the trades safely.

A Different Kind of Vow

A great overview of the successful provincial road construction zone safety campaign; ‘Vow to Slow Down’. Hear from the creative agency behind the campaign and from some of the key partners involved in making it a success.

View the digital edition at www.albertatoolbox.ca. Keep an eye out for the Winter edition coming soon!

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