2018 ACSA Conference

The Conference – March 8 & 9, 2018
The ACSA’s annual conference is the premier annual event for all safety leaders in Alberta. It provides a unique networking opportunity for approximately 400 delegates across two big days and we are proud that it remains the best value safety conference in the province. It also provides a valuable chance for safety leaders to learn how to build on their important role of upholding the culture and practices of health and safety in the construction industry.

In 2017, we sold out weeks before the conference starting date. And the conference has sold out again this year!

Download the 2018 ACSA Conference program and check out the great line-up of presenters.


The Theme 

The theme for the ACSA’s 2018 conference is Safety Without Borders. Safety is crossing provincial and international borders. Alberta has changed its safety legislation to align with other provinces. Canada is attempting to improve working conditions in North America through its NAFTA negotiations. Consumers now consider labour conditions when buying foreign-made clothes. And international standards are becoming more prevalent.

But safety crosses other borders, too. It crosses cultural borders. The blurring lines between industry sectors are making safety systems more crucial. From the workplace into home life, and on hockey rinks and football fields, safety awareness is greater than at any time before.

As safety continues to transcend borders, what does is mean for you as a safety leader? What does it mean for senior managers and company owners?

Follow us on one of our social media accounts to be sure not to miss out and subscribe to our monthly newsletter, Your ACSA Update.

The conference is SOLD OUT.

Conference Presentations

Some of the presenters from the 2018 ACSA Conference have kindly agreed to share their presentations and / or related information to help attendees retain some of the ideas and knowledge that was shared. Feel free to download the documents provided below.

Please understand that the information provided here is for your personal professional development and remains the intellectual property of the presenter(s).



Sponsorships & trade show exhibitor registrations are sold out.

We extend our gratitude to our sponsors.

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Revised: February 26, 2018