New Board of Directors Announced at Alberta Construction Safety Association

Edmonton, Alberta –

2023 New Board of Directors
Back left to right: Tony Rodgers, Michael Charlton, Jeff Appelman, Cody Bexson, Abbas Abbas, Tia Kjartanson, John Digman, Denis Poitras, Dave Hagen, Pamela Zilinski, Jason Wright, Guy Bellis
Front left to right: Brad Bent, Grant Wagar, Pascal Contant, Craig McAuley, Ryan Hawley, Justin Cote, Jessica McCaughey, Tracey Hill
Missing: Derrick Schulte, Scott Fash, Kassy McDowell, Joe Sparks, Evan Barr

At our annual general meeting on March 10, 2023, Your Alberta Construction Safety Association (ACSA) welcomed a new Board of Directors.

ACSA’s Board is comprised of various representatives in the Alberta construction industry, including construction associations, trade contractor associations, and non-association employers and employees. Its role is to set ACSA’s strategic direction and support the management team in its implementation. This involves having a pulse on the issues and trends affecting ACSA and the industry.

Welcome to our new Board members:

  • Tia Kjartanson, who represents the Alberta Roadbuilders & Heavy Construction Association
  • Tracey Hill, who represents the Construction Owners Association of Alberta
  • Tony Rodgers, who represents the Edmonton Construction Association
  • Guy Bellis, who represents the Medicine Hat Construction Association

The new Board of Directors met after the annual general meeting to select its Executive Committee. This committee sets Board priorities, provides direction to the Chief Executive Officer, and ensures Board representation from member associations.

Welcome to our new Executive Committee:

  • Board Chair: Ryan Hawley, who represents the Red Deer Construction Association
  • Finance and Risk Committee Chair: Justin Cote, who represents the Alberta Roofing Contractors Association
  • Governance and Human Resources Committee Chair: Jessica McCaughey, who represents the Edmonton Construction Association
  • Past Chair: John Digman

Thank you to all who served on ACSA’s Board this past year, including those whose terms recently ended:

  • John Digman, who served two terms as Board Chair (2021-2023) and will continue serving on our Executive Committee as Past Chair. John has represented the Medicine Hat Construction Association since 2017.
  • Brad Bent, who served on our Executive Committee as Board Chair (2019-2021) and Past Chair (2021-2023). Brad will continue serving on ACSA’s Board representing the Christian Labour Association of Canada.
  • Joanne Miskulin, who represented the Calgary Construction Association since 2020.
  • Jeff Hinz, who represented the Grande Prairie Construction Association since 2022.

Representatives on Your ACSA’s Board of Directors are appointed annually by member companies and serve a minimum of one year.

Your ACSA is an independent not-for-profit association and Alberta’s partner in construction safety. The association is governed by a Board of Directors, composed of members from Alberta’s construction industry. As the largest safety association in the province, ACSA serves more than 55,500 members. ACSA delivers safety training, the Certificate of Recognition (COR)™ program, and designations for safety leaders in the Alberta construction industry.

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