2018 ACSA Conference Open for Registrations Noon, Monday, December 11

The 2018 ACSA Conference will open for early-bird registrations at noon on Monday, December 11. We will be posting the registration link on our special conference webpage and via our social media accounts on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

The ACSA’s conference is the premier annual event for all National Construction Safety Officers (NCSO), Health & Safety Administrators (HSA), and safety leaders in Alberta. It provides a unique networking opportunity for approximately 400 delegates across two big days. Running over Thursday, March 8 and Friday March 9, 2018, the conference  also provides a valuable chance for safety leaders to learn how to build on their important role of upholding the values and practices of safety in the construction industry.

We are proud to continue hosting the least-expensive and best-value safety conference in the province. Our early-bird price is $399 until 4:00 p.m. Wednesday, January 31 after which the regular price will be $449.

Courses & exams

We are again offering a selection of ACSA safety courses on Wednesday, March 7 for $100 each. Applicants who are already approved to write the
consultant auditor exam can register to take the qualifying exam for $100. And NCSOs who are already approved to write their exam can sit the active status exam for free that same day.


The conference will feature concurrent sessions on Thursday morning and afternoon, March 8, and plenary sessions all day Friday, March 9. So far we have scheduled the very popular Dr. Lionel Laroche to present on the multicultural workforce and Eldeen Pozniak to discuss safety without boundaries. Additionally, Deputy Minister for Labour, Jeff Parr will be joined by select panelists to discuss the recently announced changes to the OHS Act& WCB.

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You can get event details at our special conference webpage and view the program here.

Trade show

Click this link if you are interested in exhibiting at the trade show.

Trade show exhibitors so far include:

  • Acoustic Solutions
  • AT Safety Training
  • Dynacor
  • Eyesafe
  • Honeywell
  • St. John Ambulance
  • University of New Brunswick
  • Women Building Futures
  • WCB Alberta


Please click this link if you are interested in sponsoring the event.

We are grateful for the support provided by our sponsors.

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