WCB Updates FYI

WCB has been introducing changes under new legislation over the course of 2018. The first round of changes came into effect on January 1, with a subsequent round of changes being implemented on April 1. WCB also engaged in a consultation process from early-January to early-March.

WCB is now endeavouring to inform its stakeholders of the next round of changes and what they might mean. These will take effect on September 1, and will include:

  1. the introduction of a Code of Rights and Conduct
  2. the confirmation that all reasonable efforts are being made in a worker’s job search before estimating earnings capacity
  3. providing interim relief during review or appeal
  4. establishing employers’ obligations to reinstate injured workers

More details of these changes can be found at the special WCB webpage. Additionally, you can sign up for the WCB e-mail newsletter which will keep you updated on the changes and other system enhancements, register for a seminar on the WCB changes, and read a preliminary copy of the Code of Rights and Conduct.

You might also like to visit their News & Announcements webpage which provides information about the most recent changes.


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